When I planned to fly to Argentina, many asked me if I was afraid. I was not afraid. I asked them the same question. And everyone said that it was scary and they were not ready to decide on it. Fear, as a rule, arises from the uncertainty and possible risk that accompanies change. This is understandable. But, I am sure that the fear of taking a step should not stop, because only by taking a step can you move forward and achieve your goals. And if there is still fear, you need to try to overcome it. I’m not an expert, but a person who in recent months has gone out of his comfort zone to the maximum on all fronts)) I think it can help, for example: — “break” goals into smaller ones tasks. Small steps are easier to take and even they can lead to big changes — develop an action plan and prepare for upcoming changes. Of course, it doesn’t always work out, but if possible, it’s better to do it — to study the experience of other people. Now there are a lot of chats and resources that can help you find answers to any questions — to believe in your capabilities and the importance of your goals. Try to stick to the chosen fairway (this is important!).

Argentina and me

Bout fears. Portrait photographer in Argentina

About travel.

Traveling for me has always been “time with me”…
Bout fears. Portrait photographer in Argentina


Photographs taken on film have a special magic.